Thursday, February 19, 2009

Long Division - it's tomorrow night!

I've got a huge bag of CDs, some very fine vinyl, a super cute dress to wear - I'm set for tomorrow night's inaugural Long Division!

Gosh, so much shameless self-promoting going on here, I know, but I'm very excited about it! Here's a couple of tracks I will most likely spin tomorrow night...

1. Camera Obscura!

2. France Gall!

3. The Primitives!

And, oh, so much more! If you're in Brisbane, I hope you can make it along! If not, I will hope you're there in pop spirit.


Dennis said...

Good luck Alex, have fun!

curator of cute said...

Good luck! It sounds like a super fab night!!

The Boy and the Cloud said...

congrats on making your first pop night happen! now me, chris and alexis need to make something happen here in auckland...

so you're moving then? we can talk about the saturday people all day then, whenever i make it over!