1. New Pains songs!

Oh my God, if there's a way to make me shout with glee and quiver with delight all at the same time, it's to hear new Pains of Being Pure At Heart tracks. Hell, it's enough for their tracks to come onto my shuffle playlist when I'm about 20 minutes into a heart-attack inducing run at the gym. Go to their Myspace and hear all these amazing new songs - Everything With You! Young Adult Friction! Stay Alive! Arrrrggggh they're all so good! My friend Ari listened to the Slumberland split 7" and told me they sound eighties in a naive, innocent way, rather than the brash fluoro way that so many bands are channelling at the moment. I think it sums the Pains sound up well - like a sweetheart Molly Ringwald character rather than, I don't know, some eighties neon trashpot. I love love love the Pains, and so should you.
2. New albums to listen to!
So there's some albums released recently that I am intrigued to hear - there's the new Primal Scream record, which I am sure will be as much of a cliche as many of their records, but there's something irresistible about Bobby Gillespie that I just can't help but like. Yeah yeah, they're just trying to be the MC5 these days, but I really don't care - Bobby will always be far more relevant to me than all these posing modern British pansy hipsters.
There's also a new All Girl Summer Fun Band record due out in September! It's a bit sad that it won't be released through K Records, and they've lost a member since 2003's "2", but it's set to soundtrack my spring, as the days warm up and I dream about jacarandas and picnics and summertime frolics. Did somebody say relevant? Then surely look no further than Jen Sbragia - what an amazing lady. I wish she and Rose Melberg would get back together and do another Softies album.
And I'm also kinda interested in hearing the Pas/Cal album. I remember hearing about them back in 2003 but I never pursued them further. Earlier this week I was bored at work, reading Pitchfork (something I try to avoid, really) and I read a review of their new album, which piqued my interest. I'm having a listen on Myspace now - sure, it's a bit revivalist, but I think this could grow on me. Besides, their influences are quite smashing, from Scott Walker and Pulp to The Left Banke and Serge Gainsbourg. Interesting!
3. New iPod listenings to fall in love with!

I also chanced upon a song called "Tea and Cake" by The Lovelies, which I think came from the excellent I'm Not Always So Stupid blog. There's The Wedding Present, bands who wish they were The Wedding Present, and The Lovelies, who are so damn Wedding Present it made my ears do a double check. But the song is brilliant, with those rambling guitars and crisp English vowels. I'm hooked, but I can't really find out much more - can you help?
My, well that was quite a catch up. I'm awfully excited because tomorrow night I'll be attending Les Idoles: 60s French Pop Night at GoMA, which is sure to be an absolute blast. Je suis la roller girl!
(Oh, and before I forget, I also did karaoke to "Time of The Season" by The Zombies whilst in Melbourne - best ever!!)